October 17, 2024

Family photos do so much more than decorate a wall or fill an album; they tell the story of who you are as a family. They capture the moments that show how you love, live, and grow together. As a Columbus family photographer, I go beyond traditional posed shots to document the real, unscripted moments […]

October 17, 2024

Family photos do so much more than decorate a wall or fill an album; they tell the story of who you are as a family. They capture the moments that show how you love, live, and grow together. As a Columbus family photographer, I go beyond traditional posed shots to document the real, unscripted moments […]

July 7, 2022

I absolutely love date-night sessions like these. Date night sessions are couple sessions where you and your partner go on one of your typical date nights and I, the photographer, get to follow you around and document the whole thing. These sessions are a great alternative to a typical couple or engagement session if you’re […]

July 7, 2022

I absolutely love date-night sessions like these. Date night sessions are couple sessions where you and your partner go on one of your typical date nights and I, the photographer, get to follow you around and document the whole thing. These sessions are a great alternative to a typical couple or engagement session if you’re […]

June 22, 2022

I call this one a skate for a date. This skateboard couples session at Schiller Park in Columbus, Ohio felt like I was simply a fly on the wall with a camera while Jennifer and Bronson simply hung out at the park together. The night was slow as they skateboarded, swung, flirted, and cracked open […]

June 22, 2022

I call this one a skate for a date. This skateboard couples session at Schiller Park in Columbus, Ohio felt like I was simply a fly on the wall with a camera while Jennifer and Bronson simply hung out at the park together. The night was slow as they skateboarded, swung, flirted, and cracked open […]